The Hangar Cafe - Pop-Up Cafe is operating at the far end of departures while our new cafe site is being constructed.

Visiting GA Pilots

Welcome To Rotorua Airport

We hope the following information will help you have a safe and enjoyable visit.

Please note the following is a supplementary guide for visiting pilots. Ensure you refer to the AIP and always check your NOTAMS / Supplements. Rotorua Airport is a safety-conscious airport and requires all visiting pilots to wear Hi-Vis when airside, including when waking to and from their aircraft.


Contact Name

Contact Phone

Airport Operations


027 274 4508

Airport Operations Manager

Ben Alton

027 494 2419

Airport Safety Manager

Jayne Marsh

021 188 6225

Airways Rotorua Tower


07 345 5199

Rotorua Aero Club

Wayne Puddle 

027 453 5422

Spannair (Aircraft Maintenance)

Craig Iddles

07 345 3637 or 027 200 5225

SMS and Occurrence / Hazard Reporting

Rotorua Airport is a certified aerodrome under CAR Part 139 and we also have an approved Safety Management System under CAR Part 100. Occurrence and hazard reporting are an important part of this, and we request you to report anything that is not business-as-usual no matter how insignificant it may seem. As a member of our wider Aviation Community your input is appreciated, to help make Rotorua a safe place for everyone.

Where to park your aircraft


The GA Aeroplane parking area is on the grass to the North of the main Apron.

  • Follow the taxiway as shown in the photo

  • CAUTION taxiway edge marked yellow, this is a prop strike risk. Ensure you taxi to the end of the curb before turning into the parking area.

  • Aircraft with a large wingspan use this taxiway. Please park well clear (park West).

  • Follow the same path in reverse to exit.

  • DO NOT taxi between the Go Fuel pump and open drain, marked with a red X.

  • Parking on this designated grass area is free for the first 7 days. From there, parking will be charged on a daily basis. Please contact Jess Wilson if you wish to discuss permanent parking arrangements.

  • Vehicles are not authorised to park Airside without a tenancy agreement.  

  • Overnight parking is fine at your risk, we will take all due care, but it is ultimately the pilot’s responsibility to ensure the aircraft is appropriately secured against weather and locked.


  • The GA Helicopter parking area is on the grass to the South of the main Apron.
  • Parking on this grass area is free.
  • Overnight parking is fine at your risk, we will take all due care but it is ultimately the pilot’s responsibility to ensure the aircraft is appropriately secured against weather and locked.

Landing charges

These will be invoiced monthly following the fee schedule. There are currently no facilities for payment on site.


Rotorua Airport has both GoFuel (Avgas 100) and Air BP (Avgas 100 / Jet A-1) available via swipecard. Airfuels is also on-site but this belongs to a private company and is not available for general use.

Please park your aircraft on the sealed area to the East of the pump when using Z Fuel, thank you!

Airside Access

All visiting GA pilot airside access is through Gate 1 which is located next to the Airport Emergency Operation Centre. Please have your license and ID available.

Call Airport Operations for escort to / from the GA helicopter parking area.

Please DO NOT walk across the apron to the terminal!

Please keep passengers and guests with you at all times when airside.

After-hours access

Any access requirements outside Airport Operations hours of service MUST be pre-arranged. Hours of service are 5:30am – 8:30pm daily.

Vehicle Access

Airside vehicle access requests should only be made if absolutely necessary but these can be arranged through Airport Operations. You may be required to go through the Airside Driving Permit process to bring a vehicle on site.

Do not prop the gate open under any circumstances.

Caution areas

The following are some areas on or near our aerodrome where we suggest you take extra care:           

Taxiway from the main apron to Air BP

Please be careful taxiing your aircraft on the taxiway between the main apron and the Air BP pump area. The large concrete hangar obstructs the view around this corner, please be careful you don’t collide with another aircraft head-on! Note that this taxiway is not controlled and tower also have limited visibility in this area so may not be able to assist.

Terrain and power lines to the East of the Aerodrome

There is a transmission line and rising terrain approximately 1nm to the East of the aerodrome. This hill range is popular with our local glider pilots. Aerial topdressing activity also occurs frequently to the East of the aerodrome.

Instrument procedures offset to the South

Due to terrain South of Rotorua the instrument approaches for Rwy 36 / missed approaches for Rwy 18 are offset by up to 30 degrees from the runway centreline (depending on the instrument procedure). All VFR traffic should keep an additional lookout for converging IFR traffic, see the Rotorua Instrument Flight Procedures in the AIP for more information.

High traffic area over Rotorua City

There’s an area near Lynmore / Rotorua Racecourse / Lakefront Golf Course approximately 4nm SW of Rotorua Aerodrome. This area is the confluence point of several flight paths and is generally a high-traffic area.  We advise extra vigilance with lookout in this area.

Other aerodromes in the vicinity

Rotorua Lakefront Heliport and Rotorua Hospital Heliport are both located approximately 4nm to the South West of Rotorua.

Float aircraft operate regularly from the Rotorua Lakes Water Aerodrome. Note that MOST OF THE LAKES in the Rotorua area are included as part of this water aerodrome, NOT just Lake Rotorua as it appears on the Visual Navigation Chart!

There are also many other unpublished heliports and topdressing strips nearby.

Mokoia Island Hazard Beacon

Please note that there is a hazard beacon on Mokoia Island, but this is located on the edge of the island rather than the top. The light may not be visible from some directions / altitudes.


Due to our location next to Lake Rotorua birds are often present at the aerodrome. We have a wildlife management strategy that includes regular bird patrols along with runway inspections, but pilots can also help to mitigate this risk. We suggest switching on your landing light, and strobes if fitted, to assist in deterring birds.

Under CAA Rules Part 12.55(c) it is the Pilot-in-Command’s responsibility to report bird incidents to the CAA. Advisory Circular AC-12 contains guidance for reporting bird incidents including the criteria for determining if an incident must be reported.

Local Weather

Rotorua Airport is situated within the Rotorua Caldera and this does have an effect on the local weather here. The caldera sometimes fills with cloud which sits on the surrounding caldera rim with a higher cloud base at the aerodrome. Always consult the Aviation Weather forecast and ATIS as appropriate however automatic weather stations can be limited and provide only a narrow view of the conditions. Rotorua Tower can provide an update on actual weather if required.

Exercise caution in South-Easterly winds, turbulence caused by the terrain can be a problem.

Airside Safety

Hi-vis clothing

At all times when you’re airside and not in a vehicle or aircraft, please wear a hi-visibility vest or other clothing compliant with NZS 4602.1:2011 for day/night use. It’s great to see many pilots taking this initiative already. These items are generally cheap and easy to get, there’s no excuse!

Mobile Phones

Please avoid using mobile phones when walking around – watch where you’re going!

Mobile phone use is prohibited around the fuel pumps.


Rotorua Airport has a ‘no animals’ policy. The exceptions are:

  • Animals for carriage on an airline service that are secured in a cage approved for air transport
  • A disability assist dog (as defined in section 2 of the Dog Control Act 1996) that is restrained by a harness and is assisting a person with a disability; or
  • a dog controlled by a constable or Customs or other Airport officer performing official duties

Please DO NOT bring your pet with you. There are many things here which may distress an animal and cause them to run off, including pyrotechnics which we use for bird control. Loose animals are a serious hazard to aircraft and will be dealt with according to our standard ‘wildlife management’ procedures.

Smoking on site

Smoking is not permitted anywhere at Rotorua Airport except for in the smokers’ hut in the short term carpark, directly opposite the Departures Terminal. This ‘no smoking’ rule includes private hangars.

​Dangerous Goods for carriage by air

Firearms or hazardous substances may be carried via private aircraft to / from Rotorua as long as all legal requirements are met, however we request that you notify Airport Operations prior to your visit. This is to ensure any necessary mitigations can be put in place and also helps our Fire Crew to respond appropriately if there is an incident involving your aircraft.

Our Terminal and café

Our Terminal is newly renovated and we welcome you to come visit!  Stop for coffee or lunch at Terrace Airside.

Aircraft Maintenance

Spannair is located on site, please contact them direct for all aircraft maintenance enquiries. They are located in the first hangar to the South of the main Apron:

Rotorua Aero Club

Rotorua Aero Club is open part-time, for further information see button below or their Facebook page here: RotoruaAeroClub Facebook Page.

Local Transport

Rotorua Airport is ideally located a short distance from Rotorua City and all this has to offer. Access to town is easy on the local bus service, or alternatively hire a car from one of the companies located in the Arrivals Terminal. A taxi service is also available if you prefer. It takes only 15 minutes to get to the city centre by car and approximately 20 minutes by bus

Local Accommodation and Facilities

There are many options to stay locally that cater for any budget. Visit RotoruaNZ for information on where to stay, where to eat and things to do in Rotorua.


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