The Hangar Cafe - Pop-Up Cafe is operating at the far end of departures while our new cafe site is being constructed.

Rental Cars and Transport Options

Rental Cars at Rotorua Airport

For your convenience and choice Rotorua Airport has New Zealand's major rental car brands located within our arrivals terminal. Travellers can hire vehicles on a pre-booked or walk-up basis (subject to availability). Please note even if you have driven in other countries, it’s important to understand our rules for driving in New Zealand before you get behind the wheel here. Please visit to familiarise yourself with New Zealand’s driving requirements.

Ezi Car Rentals
0800 545 000 (within New Zealand)

Ready2Roll Tours and Transfers
Phone: 021 258 9887

Transport Options to / from Rotorua Airport

The airport is located about 10 minutes' drive from Rotorua city centre. All major rental car agencies have service desks located at Rotorua Airport and the airport is serviced by shuttles, taxis and bus services.


Taxi services are available to and from Rotorua Airport. Taxis can be found outside Rotorua Airport's arrivals gate. We have two main taxi companies that are located at the Airport. 

Rotorua Taxis 

Phone: 07 348 1111


Rotorua Taxis can also be booked through YourRide: YourRide — 

Urban Link

Phone: 07 347 6666

Ready2Roll - Tours and Transfers 

Shuttles can be booked by contacting Read2Roll on the phone number below. Ready2Roll have vehicles suitable for individuals all the way to groups of 16 people.

Phone: 021 258 9887

Car Rentals
Leading rental car companies operate out of Rotorua Airport.

Bus + Public Transport

The bus stop is located on the left as you exit the main entrance doors. Bay Bus Route 10 travels between downtown Rotorua and the airport every hour, 7am - 6pm, Monday - Saturday. The bus makes the trip every hour between 7.30am and 4.30pm on Sundays. See the timetable on the Bay Bus website.

Large Groups
For the transportation of large groups or conference delegates transport booking in advance is recommended. Please contact us for assistance.

Car Transporter 

Please do not park any car transporters or large trucks within the car park. Cars are to be unloaded near the Volcanic Air hanger (first left as you enter the airport). 

Uber/Shared Ride

Uber services are available for pick up and drop off from the Shared Ride area which is located outside of the departures terminal on the ring road. To access these services you will need to go through individual app providers. 


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